What you will learn
Speakeasy in 3 Months
This is where you will get to lay down strong foundations so nothing threatens to huff, puff, or blow your house down. Throughout this three-month period, we will layer your understanding and skill-set each step of the way. Starting with the basics and consistently stirring the pot to add more and more as the journey continues.
You will be speaking, reading, and writing basic Dutch with confidence and in ways you never imagined.
The aim: to get you to understand the nature and flow of the Dutch language at the foundational level and to provide a strong basis and support that will remain indelible throughout your lifetime. From here, should you so wish, you will have created solid grounding to further your command of Dutch at next level tiers, be that Intermediate or Advanced.
*All courses will enable you to apply and comfortably achieve Dutch Proficiency Level Examinations with ease.
You will learn:
Innovative Learning: Grammar
Innovative Learning: Word Order
Articles & Genders
Sentence Construction
Listen, Speak, Read, Write
Basic Storytelling
Vocabulary & Adverbs
Bonus: Visual Templates
Speakeasy in 6 Months
Throughout this six-month course, you will be establishing a firm foundation in Dutch grammar, syntax, written and the spoken word to get you to the tipping point between comprehension and fluency. Grammar is the glue that holds it all together and ensures a speedy road to fluent success, and so here at The Dutch Speakeasy, we have no qualms about “bringing the sexy back” to this often undervalued art form. Get ready to push the boundaries, grab hold of more sophisticated ideas, and powerful tools that strengthen your ability to communicate effectively. By building the foundation you are able to walk solidly and confidently into a promising new future, where the doors of possibility open up as we integrate your skills and take them out into the world.
Full of fun, dynamic materials, both multi media and incredible visuals and wonderful innovative ideas to get your Dutch to a standard where you can confidently embrace life, in the workplace, among friends or with lovers and feel like you are a part of your chosen community.
*All courses will enable you to apply and comfortably achieve Dutch Proficiency Level Examinations with ease.
You will learn:
Innovative Learning: Grammar
Innovative Learning: Word Order
Articles & Genders
Sentence Construction
Listen, Speak, Read, Write
Creating Your Own Stories
Vocabulary & Adverbs
Literature: Short Stories
Bonus: Multimedia Accessories
Bonus: Visual Templates
Bonus: Live Events
Coffee Shop Community
Speakeasy in 12 Months
Join me on your biggest transformation yet. Commit to Dutch in a year and watch your life change in front of your eyes.
At this level, you are in it to win it. I have seen so many transformations and been delighted by the results my students have produced at this level of commitment and staying power. Not just speaking fluently, but locking into the lessons with such solid conviction it would be hard to lose their hold on the language, no matter what incurred hereafter.
At this stage you will not only have built upon the previous two blocks, now you will be reading Dutch literature with greater spontaneity, cultivating phrases and nunances in true Dutch fashion, and generating a lexicon that carries your own personality with it into the future. You may well even be starting to dream in Dutch, and your fluency will have ‘seemingly’ sprung up from nowhere overnight. All that hard grafting, discipline, and repetition will suddenly have evaporated and a newfound level of language engineering will have taken its place. Welcome to a whole new world of experiences.
*All courses will enable you to apply and comfortably achieve Dutch Proficiency Level Examinations with ease.
You will learn:
Innovative Learning: Grammar
Innovative Learning: Word Order
Articles & Genders
Advanced Sentence Construction
Listen, Speak, Read, Write
Creating Your Own Stories
Vocabulary & Adverbs
Advanced Literature
Phrases & Fillers
Bonus: Multimedia Accessories
Bonus: Visual Templates
Bonus: Live Events
Bonus: Access Library Membership
Coffee Shop Community